Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reaction to China/Utopia Article (Current)

Reading the article on how the USA is trying too hard to be a Utopian society compared to the society the Chinese have somewhat disturbed me. I do agree with aspects of the article on how China is catching up to the USA and in some ways leaving us in the dust. The ideals and values we have over here are not the same though. In China there is no freedom of speech, press and censorship and government control can be seen everywhere. Google even left China because of the government restrictions it was under. In the States we are very PC (Politically Correct) and because of that I feel we are falling behind. We are so afraid of offending anyone here it is hard to get anything accomplished. Maybe we need to take a hint from the Chinese. Granted we shouldn't take it to an extreme but the States have become a country filled with red tape and bureaucracy thanks to our government and the lawyers who are in our congress. I also would like to point out the fact that the Chinese economy has been able to grow at such a rate due to a number of reasons. First, for a period of time when oil prices were skyrocketing around the world, China subsidized the price of fuel so the growth of the economy could not be slowed. Also, the chinese currency is adjusted by the government in terms of value to suit its needs. The currency is not purely an accurate picture of the economic changes in the country. Here in the States and most of the Western World, the currency is at the mercy of the market, jobs, government confidence, etc. I believe the day will come when the Chinese will eventually rise up against their government and cry out for the right to free elections, free speech, and free press. Its happend in history the past few centuries and its only a matter of time until China faces the inevitable conflict the west has already gone through.

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