Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Balkans

Looking at how the "Big Four" divided the nations in the Balkans and the former Ottoman Empire, I found it very disturbing that the leaders held no regard for where they drew the lines. No account was taken for clashing cultures, ideas, beliefs and ethnic backgrounds. It seems as though the leaders got out a pencil and drew some lines across Europe and the Middle East. In the Balkans their consists many cultures and peoples. From the Greeks to the Albanians, Slavs, Romanians, Bulgarians, and for lack of a better name Macedonians (Referring to FYROM who in no way shape or form are the real Macedonians or are the same people as those who were under Alexander the Great for those were GREEKS who were in Macedonia which is a section of Northern Greece around the city of Thessaloniki). Religions in this area range from Greek Orthodox, Sunni Muslim, Jew, etc. The area has peoples of almost every belief and this can cause tension. Ethnic cleansing seen after these nations were divided after World War I can be seen to have root with the "Big Four". Israel today faces the problems with the Palestinians because the Big Four at first gave the Palestinian people a home but after World War II, it was abolished in place for Israel. The war that occurred last summer traces back to this division the "Big Four" made. Hopefully in the future in dealing with redrawing borders, the governments of the world will take a step back and try to figure out how to avoid another war down the road.

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